Marketing SAAS SEO

4 Mistakes Small Businesses Make When Outsourcing Content Marketing

Go for Fresh Content...Always

Outsourcing your marketing can seem like an attractive option when you’re trying to grow your small business and aren’t sure where to start, or even if you have the expertise in-house to take on content creation. Although outsourcing some parts of your marketing can be very helpful, there are four major mistakes small businesses often make when outsourcing their content marketing strategy, including putting their brand and reputation at risk and paying more money than they need to out of pocket.

1) Not Defining Their Goals

One of the main mistakes that small businesses make when outsourcing content marketing is not defining their goals. In other words, they don’t know exactly what they want to achieve and end up hiring a writer who doesn’t know what they are doing either. This can lead to a lot of wasted time and money. 

To avoid this, you should have a clear idea of the goals you want to accomplish with your content marketing before you even begin searching for writers who can help you meet those goals. Better if you consider hiring digital marketing company in UAE to get help with your goals. The benefits of using digital marketing company include an increase in brand awareness and customer loyalty, as well as an improved search engine ranking.

The second mistake small businesses make when outsourcing content marketing is not providing writers with enough direction. It’s difficult to write if you don’t know what the point of your writing is or if there are specific details that need to be included in the piece.

2) Not Knowing Their Target Audience

Providing a detailed brief is important to ensure the right content is created and delivered on time. You need to be specific about what you want, how you want it, when you need it by, how will you outsource content marketing, and what your budget is. If this information isn’t communicated up front, it can lead to disappointment or poor results. Without a detailed brief, copywriters are forced to guess as they create content for your website. There are times where good guesses work out but there’s always an element of uncertainty in the process. 

When entrepreneurs choose an off-shore agency because they offer a lower cost per hour, they often overlook the amount of time required for an in-person meeting. An initial phone call could have saved them money in some cases and saved everyone some headaches later down the line. 

A number of small business owners also make another mistake when hiring writers: not providing quality control over what’s written after delivery.

3) Not Having a Clear Understanding of Their Brand Voice

One of the biggest mistakes small businesses make when outsourcing content marketing is not understanding what their brand voice is. A brand voice should be clear, concise, and consistent across all platforms. This includes social media, blogs, and email campaigns. Your brand voice should be unique to you as a business and should reflect your values and personality. It’s important that your content is written in an engaging way so it’s easy for people to understand what you’re offering or selling without being too pushy or long-winded. 

4) Not Providing Enough Direction

Outsourcing content marketing can be a great way to streamline your marketing efforts and save time. However, it can also backfire if you don’t provide enough direction. It’s important to outline what your expectations are before you start working with a freelance writer or marketing agency. This will help ensure that they create the type of content you need, on the timeline you want, and at a price point that fits your budget. One of the biggest mistakes small businesses make is failing to check in periodically with their freelancer or marketing agency. Great content is a very crucial component of growth, but people very often neglect the need to experiment with the psychological effect of content creation, therefore try to find your inspiration whenever you can and be bold to create something interesting and uncommon. 


Asad Gill

Asad Gill is a serial entrepreneur who founded SEO Calling, a holdings company that owns: Provide top-rated SEO services, and product selling over 50 countries with #1 worldwide digital marketing consultancy firm. (Contact: [email protected]) (Skype: [email protected])