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6 Motivating Factors for Better Employee Performance

Motivating Factors for Better Employee Performance

You have complete faith in your company. There’s a strong business fire inside of you that drives you to work harder every day. However, you’ve noticed that your staff aren’t always as enthusiastic as you are. You’re not alone if you’ve tried a range of incentives yet are still experiencing the negative consequences of poor motivation.

Even the finest managers have to go outside the box from time to time to develop innovative and dependable ways to encourage their personnel. You must make your workers want to come to work every day and spend time with you and each other if you want to encourage them.

Fortunately, several methods and suggestions may help you motivate your staff, and we’ll go over a few of them below.

1. Create a Pleasant Working Atmosphere

Because your workers spend a significant portion of their life at work, you should make the environment as welcoming and enticing as possible. Your staff will be more willing to come to work every day if you establish a welcoming and comfortable environment for them.

First and foremost, ensure that you have sufficient space at your workplace. Your staff will be happy if they have greater freedom to roam about. Check to see if the office temperature is set too hot or too cool. Your staff won’t be motivated if they’re cold or too hot to concentrate. Proper lighting may also aid in the creation of a soothing environment. Though you may not be able to avoid bright fluorescent lights in your office, you may make a significant impact by installing a few lower-wattage bulbs that are softer on the eyes.

2. Give Your Employees Voice

Giving your staff a voice shows them that their comments and opinions are valued. The more team members can freely discuss their true feelings, the more they will feel valued as members of the team, and the more likely they will continue to contribute their knowledge and ideas. Allow staff to speak up by asking for both positive and constructive input. Encourage them to talk about how they felt about the latest project’s development process or how they feel about the company’s culture.

You may even hold a poll where employees can submit feedback anonymously on any project or issue inside the firm. When they do speak out, be attentive and deliberate in your response. Their input may assist you not only give useful information that will help you develop the firm, but it can also make your staff feel appreciated and respected.

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3. The Power of Food

Don’t undervalue the importance of having food at the office. When people know there will be food ready for them when they arrive at work, they are considerably more likely to do so. Maintain a kitchen supplied with tea and coffee so that your staff spends more time at work rather than going out for coffee. One day a week or month, bring in bagels and doughnuts for breakfast or order pizza for lunch. This will encourage your staff to arrive at work sooner and stay longer. Bake brownies, bring in popcorn, or bring in snacks. On an employee’s birthday, bring in a cake or cupcakes. Just keep in mind that there should be some healthy alternatives accessible as well for people who care for a healthy diet. 

4. Praising Your Employees

You should take the time to tell them if they’ve done something genuinely exceptional. You may show your appreciation for the employee by putting something about their work on your front bulletin board or sending an email emphasizing their accomplishments. You can get up and make a statement praising the individual if they accomplished something genuinely great. It’s crucial to recognize your employees’ unique contributions, but you should make sure that no one feels left out if you just recognize a few people. Consider using employee tracking apps to keep up with your employees’ productivity and ensure you’re praising them the right way.

Motivating Factors for Better Employee

5. Decent Salary

Of course, one of the most crucial variables influencing your workers’ motivation and excitement for work is their salary. You’ll need to offer your top staff pay to keep them motivated. In certain businesses, this may be easier said than done, but make sure you’re not underpaying your employees, especially if they do a great job. If their performance justifies it, give them a raise; this will demonstrate to them that they are valued and respected. Consider performance-based bonuses for individual employees or teams if you can’t afford competitive pay or increases at the moment. 

6. Be a Good Leader

Employees will turn to you as a leader to set an example for the rest of the team. Leaders are responsible for establishing the company’s culture and ideals. This may have a significant impact on the employees’ mindset. Employees will follow leaders’ positive thinking examples, and the overall work culture will become more inspiring.

You must maintain your employees motivated to work hard and give their all in order to manage a lucrative and healthy firm. A good working environment means more productivity, so make an effort to establish a positive attitude in your company. Hopefully, these tips will aid you in encouraging and reawakening your employees’ work enthusiasm.


Fionna Kerry

Fionna Kerry is the Marketing Manager at SEO Calling, Co-President at AA-ISP Phoenix, and a published writer for Time, Entrepreneur, Inc, The Daily Muse, VoIPBusiness and PopSugar. She has been conveying her thoughts into words since 2015. Contact her on LinkedIn or Twitter to start a conversation or via email address: [email protected]