
4 Ways Recruitment Technology Can Help Mitigate Unconscious Bias

4 Ways Recruitment Technology Can Help Mitigate Unconscious Bias

About 50% of recruiters admit that bias significantly impacts their hiring decisions. With the rising demand for diverse hiring practices, this is a cause for concern. 

If you are tired of unconscious bias creeping into your recruitment process, fear not. Because recruitment technology is here to save the day! 

Four Ways Technology Can Help Mitigate Unconscious Bias

In this article, we’ll explore four ways technology can help mitigate unconscious bias in your recruitment process.

1. Blind Screening and Selection

This technique has to be a recruiter’s favorite. It involves removing all personal information from a candidate’s application, such as their name, gender, age, and even education. By doing so, you can avoid any unconscious bias that may come into play based on a candidate’s personal attributes.

But how can recruitment technology contribute to it? A hiring tool can help by allowing you to redact personal information from resumes and applications automatically. So now, you can focus on a candidate’s qualifications and experience rather than their background.

2. Structured Interviews

Ad-hoc interview questions are a hype, mainly because of the room it has for recruiters to add a personal touch. 

But before you know it, this hint of personalization turns into unconscious bias clouding your mind. On the contrary, structured interviews involve asking all candidates the same set of questions to ensure that everyone is evaluated based on similar criteria. 

This helps to dodge the possibility of any bias that could influence the outcome if the set of questions is different. 

For this purpose, diversity recruiting software can help you generate a standardized interview questionnaire tailored for the role. It can also ensure that the questions are actionable for both video and in-person interviews. An experienced recruiter could curate these questions.

3. AI-Powered Hiring Tools

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the recruitment industry, and that too for a good reason. AI-powered hiring tools can help to identify the most qualified candidates from the pile of resumes, entirely based on objective data such as skills, experience, and past performance. 

This plays a significant role in removing any subjective bias that may interfere with an impartial assessment process. The only difference between qualified and unqualified candidates is the relevant keywords in their resumes. 

And that is exactly why around 40% of US recruiters rely on technological advancements to solve their hiring problems.

Recruitment technology, backed with AI-powered tools, can get this job done through features like resume screening and candidate-matching algorithms. These tools can help you quickly identify the most competent candidates without any threat of unconscious bias.

4. Diverse Job Advertisements

One of the leading causes of unconscious bias in recruitment is the language used in job ads. Specific phrases and words may unintentionally discourage a certain group of candidates from taking interest in the open position, leading to an undesired impact on the applications received.

An applicant management system can solve this issue by providing tools that analyze the language used during recruitment marketing and suggest alternative wording to attract a more diverse pool of candidates. 

By using more inclusive language, you can increase the number of qualified candidates coming from various backgrounds.

Recruitment technology can potentially revolutionize the recruitment industry and mitigate unconscious bias in the process. So, what are you waiting for? 

Fair, uniform and consistent evaluation need not be that hard anymore. Embrace the power of technology and start building a more diverse and inclusive workforce today! 

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