Internet Marketing SEO Wordpress

What is Guest Posting & How to do it?

Guest posting

One of the best practices in SEO that has gained the spotlight to boost user engagement is guest posting whether it be for a big or small scale business.

Guest posting, also known as guest blogging, is the practice of writing similar content for another company’s website, within the same industry. One of the main purposes of doing so is to attract traffic to the guest blogger’s website.

There are many benefits for guest bloggers:

Builds brand awareness:

Guest posting introduces writers to new crowds when they write for other blogs, getting them to the forefront of new audiences that are unfamiliar with the writer’s brand.

Builds relationships:

Posting quality content on other blogs or sites allows the writer to showcase their depth of know-how in their field, thereby, building customer trust and improving brand quality.

Drives traffic to their website:

Guest blogging helps pull in more website visits with months, sometimes even years of traffic once an article goes live. But this depends on the popularity of the publisher’s site and more so, how relevant, helpful, and engaging your content is.

Boosts site SEO by building backlinks:

A major factor in SEO ranking is getting backlinks to your website. When one website is linked to another, a backlink is created. This signals search engines to vouch for your content and rank it higher on search results hence improving a writer’s website’s visibility.

You want to build links to your website, but it’s hard to find quality guest posting opportunities. You have no idea how to find good guest posting opportunities and you don’t have time to waste on low-quality ones.
HQ guest posting has a team of experts that handpick the best guest posting opportunities for you! We also provide full link building services if you need them.

How to go About Guest Posting?

Guest Posting


  • First, establish the websites and blogs you would like to post for, anywhere between 10-15 should be a good start.
  • Make sure these sites accept guest blogging.
  • Ironically, to boost your brand, you need to be in the thick of competition. Write for blogs related to your brand and target websites bigger than yours. Look for brands you can create a symbiotic relationship with.
  • Continuously perform keyword searches to discover new opportunities.

Once you’ve figured out what blogs you want to write for that fit all the requirements, you have to work on getting your pitch heard. The pitch needs to clearly outline the value you can give to another blogger’s site and an offer they cannot refuse.

Here are some ways to produce the best pitch.

Make your ideas stand out:

Think of unique and distinctive angles to the topics you’re approaching. Try to make topics that are currently being spoken about your own, give it your individual flavour. You could consider recapitulating older content by giving it new updates and ideas.

You must create eye-catching and memorable titles that readers can’t skip over. Don’t be shy to include links to articles that you’ve published. This gives the publisher the confidence that your pitch aligns with your work.

Customize outreach emails:

Although you’ve targeted brands similar to yours, each business is different. Sending out the same email template to every site you pitch to will be counterproductive. Tailor and customize your pitch that’s specific to the publisher’s site. Make sure to include the name of the publisher and their site and go over why your pitch should be considered.

Be authentic:

Effective outreach can be quite receptive provided you ensure to make a genuine connection with the people you’re contacting. This goes a long way in building long-term relationships. You need to be personable, direct, and clear about what you can offer and what you want from them.

When it comes to following up with them, create a way to track the follow-ups. The last thing you want to do is spam them. Reach out to them once or twice and if they don’t respond, move on to the next.


To sum up, guest posting or guest blogging offers an excellent way to meet with other bloggers within your industry, introduce your content to new target audiences, and recieve valuable SEO backlinks.

Read more: Best Strategies to Negotiate with Your Backlink Prospects



Alina Yankovic

Alina Yankovic joined SEOCalling in 2019 as a Creative Content Writer. She is also responsible for handling & leading SEOCalling’s customer support, strategy and operations to ensure the company’s environment enables teams to flourish, individuals, to grow their careers and provides for everyone to contribute to the company's growth in a meaningful way. Alina has over 8 years of experience in Digital Marketers, Content Manager and driving transformation in tech around the world. (Contact: [email protected])